

ゲーム盤:board diagram
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ゲーム大会:game competition


第1回 Champion Ship

朝日新聞:Asahi news paper

週間ダイヤモンド:Diamond magazine



ルールは簡単で小学生以上なら誰にでもできるゲームです。 難しいのは2手先を読まなくては勝てないことです。置いた駒では勝ちにならず、相手のの駒もひっくり返せません。 この感覚を言葉で説明するのは至難の技なので、ぜひ一度ゲームに挑戦してみてください。

Yongmoque Game is a two-player board game invented in 1996. The game is played by moving the six pieces on the board, and the first player to arrange four pieces in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins. The winner is the one who quickly makes four lines of sight in the vertical, horizontal, or diagonal direction, but loses if he or she makes five lines. If you pinch an opponent's piece with a piece that you have moved, you can flip the opponent's piece and make it your own color, just like in Othello. It is a very speedy and thrilling game. The rules are simple and can be played by anyone from elementary school on up. The only difficulty is that you have to read two moves ahead in order to win. You can't win with the pieces you put down, and you can't overturn your opponent's pieces either. It is very difficult to explain this feeling in words, so please try to play the game.

Yonmoque is now available for AI play against a PC.

立教大学で人工知能の研究をされている小副川さんが、研究材料としてヨンモクゲームをプログラミングしてくれました。 AIは先手後手レベル5まであり、かなり強いです。 AI研究用ですのでユーザーインターフェースは充分ではありませんし、ゲームを楽しむためのランダム要素なども排除していますので戦術に偏りはありますが、 それでもかなり高度な対戦が楽しめます。
Mr. Kozeegawa, a researcher of artificial intelligence at Rikkyo University, programmed the Yongmoque game as a research material. The AI is quite strong, with up to 5 levels of first and second moves. Since this is an AI research game, the user interface is not sufficient, and there is no random element to enjoy the game, so there is a bias in the tactics, but you can still enjoy a very advanced game.
It works on windows machine OS. (XP, VISTA).

動画でルールを解説しています。You Tube投稿動画 です。
The rules are explained in a video posted on You Tube.

ヨンモクゲームの解説ビデオを作ってみました。(You Tube)投稿動画です。

All rights reserved by Mitsuo Yamamoto, LOGY GAMES and Gift Box Co.,Ltd