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Playing Variation

Basic Rule

Labyrinth Rule

yin-yang twins Rule


Standard 12 pieces edition

Professional 24 pieces edition

Additional Boards

Labyrinth Board
4~4 squares

yin-yang twins Board
for 2 players

make yourself

Mail Order
Standard 12 pieces $38

Professional 24 pieces $70

Additional Boards
yin-yang twins Board@$12
Two additional boards set $23

Order Form

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Ancient Construct Tower of the Philosopher

Basic rules

Play Conditions

Player : 2, 3, 4 for standard 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 for professional Solo puzzle play available
Play time : 5 to 20 minutes
age : over 6 years

Player Turn Rules

Players take alternating turns. One turn consists of two actions. First, the player must place any one poly-cube on the the player board. Then, the player must place a balance stone on any poly-cube already on the board. The type of poly-cube played determines the points awarded to the player. At the end of each turn the player collects the appropriate scoring tile.

Dicube scores 2 points
Tricube scores 3 points
Tetracube scores 4 points
Pentacube scores 5 points
Hexacube scores 6 points

Player Turn Rules

The board lays out 8 squares around the center square. Poly-cubes must be placed only within those 8 squares. No part of the poly-cube may be positioned or overhang outside or inside on the center square. The tower is built like a chimney, with a hollow core.
Poly-cubes must be placed above the other poly cubes and cannot be placed under other poly-cubes.
If placing a poly-cube on another poly-cube, it must cover at least 51% of the poly-cube upon which it is placed.
Poly-cubes may not be placed on a balance stone. Poly-cubes may overhang a balance stone, as long as they aren't directly touching.
Balance stones may be placed on any of the poly-cubes already placed. Placement is not limited to the poly-cube placed by the player in part 1 or their turn.
Balance stones may not be placed on another balance stone nor under a poly-cube.
The placed balance stone may not extend over the edges of the cube it is placed on.
When choosing a poly-cube from the stack, you must keep your choice once you have touched it.
Players may never touch or re-arrange the tower being built, or the board.
5 seconds after a player finishes his/her turn, the responsibility for keeping the tower standing,shifts to the next player.

he Poly-Cube (PC) must be placed on the 8 squares of the board, and the whole PC block must be above those 8 squares. In other words, no PC may be above the middle square, or outside the 9 by 9 board. This causes the tower to built like a chimney.

Play and winning

Players get a scoring tile which corresponds to the poly-cube used at the conclusion of each turn. These tiles are used to calculate the sum of the scores at the end of game. If a player causes the tower to topple over, he or she loses the game. The game ends when the tower topples over during the players turn or when all of the available poly-cubes have been placed. In the event all cubes are played, the player with the highest total score wins.

Plays Video

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