We are using Kickstarter to release our new game and provide them to game fans.
LOGY GASMESでは新作の公開と販売をアメリカのクラウドファンディング「Kickstarter」を使い、1年に4作品のペースで行っています。
LOGY GASMES is using the American crowdfunding site "Kickstarter " to release and sell new works at a pace of 4 works a year. This is an English-based campaign for foreign countries, but we can also deliver to Japan, so if you are interested in our new works, please check out Kickstarter.
Basically, we start new campaigns in March, June, September, and December.
The next one will be the Yonmoque Hex game.
You can also check out all of our past campaigns. All the articles are in English, but if there is a game you are interested in, please take a look.
Yonmoque Hex
We will launch Yonmoque Hex from January 2025 for 16 days!
Now campaign page is under construction.
All rights reserved by Mitsuo Yamamoto, LOGY GAMES and Gift Box Co.,Ltd