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2015年から10年に渡り34のボードゲームに関するプロジェクトを展開してきました。キャンペーンの詳細は今でも直接Kickstarterの過去ログページでご覧になれます。 興味のあるゲームがありましたら、是非直接ご覧になってください。記事は英語で書かれています。ルールや価格などはキャンペーン終了後に変更になったものもあります。ご了承のうえご覧ください。

Since 2015, we have launched 34 projects related to board games over 10 years. Details of the campaign can still be found directly on the Kickstarter logs page.
If there is a game you are interested in, please check it out directly. The article is written in English. Some of the rules and prices have changed since the campaign ended. Please read with understanding.

Yonmoque-Hex 1491% funded in 31th January 2025
Yonmoque game on the hex board. New expand game of Yonmoque.
King's Valley Labyrinth 589% funded in 16th October 2024
The game is a two player abstract strategy race game. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get your King piece onto the King’s Valley space.
King's Valley Labyrinth
Eater 613% funded in 4th June 2024
Game purpose is to create a larger group than your opponent. A group consists of pieces which are directly connected by lines. Players enlarge their group(s) by placing their pieces on an empty node or by flipping opponent pieces that have been sandwiched.
AQUA PIPE 1069% funded in 29th March 2024
You are the plumber, the city water supply is depending on you. Your mission is to create the best water pipe line in the city.
Duel SHOGI 615% funded in 23th December 2023
The best game to learn Shogi playing for beginners.
KAKOMU 828% funded in 12th October 2023
The game's goal is to harvest more green gems than your opponent. Players can harvest a gem when it is surrounded by six flower tokens. The player who places the most flower tokens around the gem gets to harvest it.
JumPico 701% funded in 6th July 2023
JumPico is suitable for all. It can be played without dice, which gives it a more abstract appeal, or players can choose to use dice!
AT3 471% funded in 6th April 2023
You may laugh at tic-tac-toe because it is very easy game for children with little strategy. To the contrary, you will be surprised that playing AT3 will also test your arithmetic ability.
Moon Trek 1236% funded in 10th January 2023
This campaign is a project to revive a lost, ancient Japanese board game excavated from a 1,300-year-old archaeological site as a modern board game.
CIFRA Code81 1369% funded in 16th October 2022
CIFRA is the ultimate 2-player pure abstract strategy game on the flexible tiles board. Playing pieces must move according to the board pattern. The genius of this design is that the board pattern changes at every match.
NEKO BOSS 795% funded in 30th June 2022
NEKO BOSS is a 2-4 player abstract game. Players need to move and stack their cats around Neko(cat) Town to take control of the streets. As the cat stack grows those cats can travel further. The top cat on the stack is the one that controls that stack of cats. 4 or more cats in a stack makes a herd. At the end of the game only cat herds count toward your score. Herding cats is difficult so keep control of your herds. The player with the most herds at the end of the game is declared the winner and the official NEKO BOSS!
CIFRA Code25 962% funded in 14th April 2022
CIFRA Code25 is race game to move more own pieces to onto opponen tarea.
Yoncollon-Dice 342% funded in 10th December 2021
New 4D dice system "Yoncollon" can cover all roll and move games from Ancient to Modern and New.
Pyramiland 854% funded in 2nd September 2021
Mitsudomoe-Cluster 483% funded in 1st Luly 2021
Design SHOGI 1428% funded in 22nd February 2021
Design SHOGI
跳人:TANETO 364% funded in 2nd December 2020
飛人:TOBITO 1261% funded in 30th June 2020
Home Made Game 129% funded in 28th May 2020
This was not game product campaign.
Home Made Game
Tac-Tile Choss 247% funded in 26th February 2020
Tac-Tile Choss
Ring Collector 148% funded in 10th December 2019
Ring Collector
Honesty Stone 195% funded in 3rd September 2019
Honey Stones
Kachit Knight 400% funded in 2th June 2019
Kachit Knight
Chameleon 188% funded in 5th March 2019
Dubai Race 300% funded in 8th December 2018
Dubai Race
Lumber Merchant 433% funded in 28th August 2018
Lumber Marchant
Skip55 155% funded in 7th June 2018
Beehive 304% funded in 1st March 2018
Senet-modern 144% funded in 13th December 2017
Senet Modern
Megateh(めがて:目我天) 226% funded in 26th September 2017
Paseo 174% funded in 26th June 2017
Safari-Dual 189% funded in 23th April 2017
Safari Dual
GoRoGo 496% funded in 29th Jamuary 2017
YONMOQUE Japanesque 277% funded in 13th November 2016
ACTOP 552% funded in 25th July 2016
King's Valley 330% funded in 3rd May 2016/
Kings Valley
e-SOLO-e(絵揃) 612% funded in 6th February 2016
The Buildings 128% funded in 20th October 2015
The Buildings
Sky Scrapers Project failed in June 2015
Sky Scrapers Project

Rules in world languages

Fortunately we could get some supporters who helped to translate rules in their language.
I am sure these translation will be helpful to understand my games around the world.
Thank you for good jobs I appreciate all your efforts.
Domoz (French)
e-SOLO-e French.pdf
King's Valley French.pdf
ACTOP French.pdf

Stephane Athimon (French)
Beehive French.pdf
e-SOLO-e French.pdf
Senet-modern French.pdf

Torsten Sammet (Germany)
e-SOLO-e Germany.pdf
Paseo Germany.pdf
Jumpico and Skips Germany.pdf

Rigor Mortis (Italian)
e-SOLO-e Italian YouTube video

All rights reserved by Mitsuo Yamamoto, LOGY GAMES and Gift Box Co.,Ltd