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Licensed Publishing Games


Introduction to licensed published games.

長年ゲーム作りをしていますと日本だけでなく世界中のゲーム会社様から出版のお申し出をいただくことが時々あります。 ライセンス契約による出版なので話が上手く進むものもあれば、途中で出版を断念せざるを得ないものもあります。

幸運なことに2024年は5本目のゲームが出版されました。海外メーカーからの発売なので日本向けの販売ではありませんが、 より多く世界中の人が私のゲームを遊んでもらえる機会が増えることを嬉しく思っています。

LOGY GAMESではライセンス契約によるゲームのリリースに何時でも前向きに取り組んでいます。ゲーム会社様との話し合いはいつでも大歓迎です。 ご興味のある会社様はお気軽にお声掛けください。素敵なお申し出をお待ちしています。

As a game creator for many years, I have occasionally been approached by game companies not only in Japan but also around the world for publication. Some of them go through the process of publishing under a license agreement, while others have to give up midway.
Here we introduce some of the games that have been published under license agreements.

Luckily for us, in 2024 fifth game published. It is not for sale in Japan as it is from an overseas manufacturer. But I'm happy that more people around the world will have the opportunity to play my games.

LOGY GAMES is always willing to release games under license. We are always willing to discuss with game companies. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your great offer.

Wild Duo published in 2024

published by Treecer Switzerland

「Wild Duo」は5作品のアブストラクトゲームがコンボされたゲームセットです。

Wild Duo is a combo set of five abstract games.
Four of them (Yonmoque, Kings Valley, Safari Dual, and Skyscrapers) are from LOGYGAMES.
We are happy to have the opportunity to offer four works at once to many of you.

MALE BRANCHE published in 2022

published by Dtudio SUPERNOVA Italy

「MALE BRANCHE」はKing's Valleyを元にした拡張ゲームです。

MALE BRANCHE is an expansion game based on King's Valley.
In addition to playing the basic game, you can play an extended game in which each piece has a special ability. The game bag is a slightly different component that is used as a game board.

Mitsudomoe published in 2020

published by Nestor Games Spain

2020年春に「Mitsudomoe」はスペインのゲーム会社Nestor Gamesから出版されました。

Spanish game publisher Nestor Games has published Mitsudomoe in spring 2020. Mitsudomoe is race game with balls and rings by multiple players 2 to 4. Player who moves their three balls to the opposite three spaces at firs wins the game. Nestor Games stopped publishing due to their lack of materials.

FOUR SENSES published in 2019

published by Helvetiq Switzerland

2019年9月にスイスのHelvetiq社から「FOUR SENSES」が発売されました。


Helvetiq社版「Four Senses」の日本語ローカライズ版の販売

FOUR SENSES was released in September 2019 by Helvetiq, Switzerland. The original Megateh, a game that can be played by visually impaired people, is truly a game that can be played by both sighted and blind people equally.

An article about the details of the game on the portal site for people with disabilities "Yu Yu Yu" is helpful. If you are interested, please read it. Portal site for people with disabilities "Yu Yu Yu"

Also, the Japanese localized version of the game has been released by Sugorokuya in February 2020. I'm very happy that it will be available in Japan. Please refer to the following page for product information from Sugorokuya.
Sales of the Japanese localized version of Helvetiq's "Four Senses"

KOZO published in 2019

published by Winning Moves Games USA

米国のゲーム会社「Winning Moves Games」からACTOP(古代建築賢者の塔)がKOZOというゲームタイトルでが2019年に行われたニューヨークトーイフェアーで正式発売されました。

ACTOP (Ancient Construct Tower of the Phylosopher) was officially released from the US game company Winning Moves Games at the 2019 New York Toy Fair under the game title KOZO.

Regency King's Valley published in 2010

developed and published by Eiwa System Management Co.

2010年12月にi-phoneOS用ゲームアプリ「Regency King's Valley」が永和システムマネジメント様から発売されました。 3年間という短い期間でしたが、ご購入いただいた皆様には感謝いたします。

In December 2010, the game application "Regency Kings Valley" for i-phoneOS was released by Eiwa System Management. We would like to thank all of you who purchased the game in the short period of three years.

All rights reserved by Mitsuo Yamamoto, LOGY GAMES and Gift Box Co.,Ltd