カメレオン: Chameleon
The movement of the pieces changes like a chameleon depending on the color of the space in which they are placed!
ミニサイズ:mini size 2,500円
:10x10cm(4x4in)Board, 1.5cm(0.6in)Pieces
スタンダードサイズ:standard size 3,500円
:15x15cm(6x6in)Board, 2cm(0.8in)Pieces
The color in the center of each piece is the movement attribute.
Each piece basically moves as a king.
However, if the piece is on a tile of the same color as its attribute, it moves as a bishop, and if it is on a tile of a different color, it moves as a knight.
You win if all of your enemy's pieces are captured or if any one of your pieces reachs the enemy's space and is not captured on the enemy's next turn.
イーター: Eater
To make largest odd number group! Even number group can't live on the board.
ミニサイズ:mini size 2,500円
:10x10cm(4x4in)Board, 1.5cm(0.6in)Pieces
Only odd number group can live on the board. Player who keep largest odd number group win the game.
スタンダードサイズ:standard size 4,000円
:15x15cm(6x6in)Board, 2cm(0.8in)Pieces
When you place your piece and sandwich opponent piece(s) in a straight line, you must flip those opponet's piece(s).
You can do this by multiple straight lines.
ラージサイズ:large size 6,000円
:20x20cm(6x6in)Board, 2cm(0.8in)Pieces
You can win the game from behind by your final turn.
ヨンモク: Yonmoque
Place a piece, move it, turn it over between the pieces, line up four pieces in a row and win!
スタンダードサイズ:standard size 3,000円
:15x15cm(6x6in)Board, 2cm(0.8in)Pieces
The winner is the first player to line up four pawns vertically, horizontally or diagonally in a row. However, the player loses the game if he/she lays out 5 pawns in a row.
ラージサイズ:large size 5,000円
:20x20cm(8x8in)Board, 2.5cm(1in)Pieces
The checker pattern on the board is meaningful: blue pieces can move diagonally on blue tiles, and white pieces can move diagonally on white tiles, all the way to the end of a row of tiles.The pattern tiles are neutral tiles, so they are neither blue nor white.
There are 8 blue tiles and 12 white tiles, so play begins with the blue pieces first, as they are at a disadvantage in moving.
This piece movement rule is the main feature of Yonmoque games.
ラージサイズ専用ウッドフレームボード:Special wood frame for large size 15,000円
:27x32cm(10.8x12.8in)Board, 2.5cm(1in)Pieces
Special wood frame board for large size. Piecea are settled in the board.
キングスバレー: King's Valley
Playre who can move own King onto center space "King's Valley" first win the game!
スタンダードサイズ:standard size 4,000円
:15x15cm(6x6in)Board, 2cm(0.8in)Pieces
The winner is the first player to move your king piece onto the center space.
Any pieces can move to any 8 directions, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. But they can't stop moving until they go to edge of board or other pieces on the board.
ラージサイズ:large size 6,000円
:20x20cm(8x8in)Board, 2.5cm(1in)Pieces
King piece shapes are unique. One is dome and other is pyramid.
All rights reserved by Mitsuo Yamamoto, LOGY GAMES and Gift Box Co.,Ltd